
General Information

Full Name Josh Yi
Gender Male


  • 2020 - Present
    Master's in Artificial Intelligence
    University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
    • Specialized in machine learning, nlp, cv, rl and robotics.
  • 2020 - 2022
    Bachelor's in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 1st Class Honours
    University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
    • Specialized in analog and digital electronics, signal processing, and control systems.
    • Published a research paper on 3D Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Reconstruction.
  • 2018 - 2020
    Bachelor's in Electronics and Electrical Engineering
    NCEPU, Beijing, China
    • Honored with multiple awards for academic and social excellence.


  • 2019 - 2020
    Student Union Chairman
    • Led the student union effectively, overseeing various initiatives and programs.
  • 2019
    International Horticultural Exhibition
    • Involved in several volunteering roles, contributing to the community.
    • Drafted bilingual speech references for representatives of government officials.


  • 2021
    Numpy-based Deep Learning Python Library
    • Developed an toy library for deep learning applications.
  • 2022
    Toy Robotics Python Library
    • Built a toy robotics library for Nextage robot, forwards, inverse kinematics and dynamics.
  • 2022
    Toy Transformer from Scratch
    • Built a multi-head attention transformer from scratch, and applied it to machine translation.
  • 2022
    Use LLM for tag prediction
    • Use BERT for BIO tag prediction for entity extraction.
  • 2022
    Reinforcement Learning in pytorch
    • Solve openAI gym environments with reinforcement learning algorithms (Tabluar, DQN, Reinforce, A2C, etc.)

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • MLP IBM Prize, First Place, University of Edinburgh
  • 2021
    • Edinburgh Award (Work Experience), University of Edinburgh
  • 2020
    • Outstanding Student Leader, NCEPU
  • 2019
    • Outstanding Student, NCEPU
  • 2019
    • Outstanding Social Activities Report, NCEPU


  • Programming
    • Python (Main) | Matlab | C | Bash | HTML | CSS | Latex | Verilog | MIPS Assembly
  • Machine Learning
    • PyTorch (Main) | TensorFlow (Keras) | scikit-learn
  • Data Science
    • Numpy | Pandas | Matplotlib | SQL
  • Circuit Simulation/Layout
    • Cadence | Simulink | LTspice | Multisim
  • Web
    • playwright | bs4 | streamlit
  • Circuit Simulation/Layout
    • Cadence | Simulink | LTspice | Multisim
  • Design
    • Fusion 360 | After Effects | SolidWorks | Photoshop | Premiere | Stable Diffusion
  • Operating Systems
    • Linux (Arch & Debian), macOS, Windows
  • AI Tools
    • ChatGPTs | Diffusion models | Transformers

Academic Interests

  • Machine Learning
    • Deep learning algorithms
    • Computer vision + Natural Language Processing
  • Robotics
    • Robotics + RL